Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hayden's 1st day of preschool

The time has come for Hayden to start preschool!! Hayden is going to Punkin Seed which is where Ryan went many, many moons ago...ha! No but seriously Ryan had the exact same teacher at the same school like 28 years ago. (Sorry Ryan that makes you sound so old!!) :) Hayden is having the time of his life there! Every morning when it's time to go he is so excited and basically kicks me out when I drop him off. It's a lot of fun watching him grow and become this boy who is no longer "little" anymore. He's becoming so independent and full of life. Here are a few pics from the first day!

All ready to go!!
SO excited on the way!
Loves the slide in the room!
I came back a little early to watch and he was playing away!
Nana got to come with me to pick him up and here he is such a big boy leaving school!


sarbac1982 said...

I can't believe how BIG he is! I remember the day you found out that you guys were expecting, crazy, seems like yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it crazy they are in school! I have a few pictures of the boys from the first day if you want them :0)