Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cousin Fun!!

So this summer has been filled with fun with Colton. It's so nice that he finally gets to be a part of the family and the boys are getting the chance to build memories. They have a lot of fun together and I just love him to pieces! It's so funny cause all 3 boys look so much alike. Ryan and I had all three of them on a walk one evening and a lady looked at us like we were crazy having 3 boys all so small...she even said, "boy you have your hands full" and I just laughed and said they weren't all mine. 3 boys, ages 1, almost 2, and 3! They are so close in age, it's so fun! I even told Ryan before going on that walk that people probably thought they all were ours and we were crazy! Anyways, we've had a lot of fun adventures with all the kiddos together this summer and I look forward to all the new ones coming up!

Colton and Hayden loving each other

Such cute little boys

Colton and Auntie

Taking the kiddos on a walk

3 of my favorite boys!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Add one more boy to the mix, it's going to be so much fun watching them all play together! Dylan will have to get tough fast to keep up with them!