Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Potty Training Day 2:

So we are onto day 2 and he's doing very well. He woke up with an almost dry diaper and then went straight to the toilet about 15 minutes after getting up and went. I then put a pull up on him while he went to school for 2 hours and he came home dry. So off went the pull up again and we did the naked thing again today because it really seems to be working and I want him to continue getting to "know" his body before letting him wear clothes all day. Maybe later in the week we'll try the whole underwear thing. As far as the pooping issue goes...well he finally went. I could hear him saying "icky" so I jumped up and ran into the bathroom and he had went, just right in front of the toilet. So he almost made it there! I think we are gonna have more trouble with the whole pooping in the potty thing. He has been kind of a "hide and poop" boy lately so it's just gonna have to be something we work hard at for a while. I'm totally content with how we are moving along! It's been so nice to not change a diaper and see him run for the bathroom each time hes gotta go. He really likes to just go in there and do it with nobody watching him so I give him his "time" (as I peek around the corner each time and secretly watch him) and then as soon as he's done we wash our hands. So I'm working on the whole routine with him. Potty training is not a lot of fun and I'm hoping Austin just sees his big brother doing it and wants to be like him and just "gets it." haha I doubt it though! I'll keep ya posted on how tomorrow goes!

1 comment:

goddesskms said...

Brayden was three by the time I finally got him potty trained to. He never really cared about having a dirty diaper - yet he alway hid when he would poop. He didn't care when he got done - just didn't want anyone to watch him while he was going. I finally one day just decided that I was going to tell him no more diapers, put underwear on him and never turn back. It actually worked. He only had a few accidents and learned super quick. It was pretty easy that way to. I figured it would be messy and I would have lots of pee underwear, clothes, furniture, floors, etc to clean but he hadrly ever had an accident. He even wakes up dry almost every morning now but we still put pull ups on just in case.