Wednesday, August 13, 2008

4 weeks old

So 4 weeks has come and gone! I cannot believe it. Austin is getting bigger every day it seems. This week he has started to smile and even has given us a few coos when we are talking to him. I love it!! He's still fitting into his newborn clothes barely but has moved from newborn diapers into size 1. Sleeping is still something that is up in the air every night. He's pretty much getting up twice around 2-3am and then again around 5am but every once and a while we get a night where he's up more. He still is liking being held a lot which is still a bit of a problem at night. He starts off good but after he gets up that first time it's hard to get him to stay asleep in the bassinet. Ryan usually ends up on the recliner with him. Yesterday Austin and I went golfing with the boys. Well I didn't golf but Austin and I drove a cart. It was nice and relaxing to just put around and watch since it was so nice out. Austin did excellent and loved the bumpy rides every now and then. Hayden is still doing good with him but is starting to act up a bit more lately. He likes to wait till I'm nursing and then gets into things he knows he's not supposed to cause he knows I'm busy. All in all he's been pretty good though. Here are some 4 week old pics of little Austin.....

He loves the fetal position and would be in it all day if he can.
Riding in the golf cart

I hope his blue eyes stay!!

1 comment:

cjvandenbos said...

So cute! I can't believe its been 4 weeks already. I've come to the conclusion that babies grow way too fast!

PS...Amber you look great!