Tuesday, August 26, 2008

6 weeks old already!

So Austin is 1 1/2 months old today. He's starting to change in so many ways. His neck is getting stronger and he can hold it up somewhat. More and more smiles are coming out of him everyday, it's so cute! He is still loving to be held all the time which is challenging with Hayden and trying to get anything else done. Last night he slept in 3 hour increments and only got up at 2:15 and 5:15 which was a blessing for me!! The night before that he was up every 2 hrs. on the dot and I was exhausted! So we still don't have a good sleep pattern down yet but hopefully he will get on it sooner than later. He's getting so big and his newborn clothes are starting to not fit anymore. Last weekend we took a trip up to the lake to visit my parents and Austin did great. He pretty much slept the whole time unless he was eating. My dad dipped his feet in the water and he wasn't too excited about that. Hayden's been on the boat since he was born so hopefully Austin will enjoy it just as much as him. Here's some new pics of Austin from the last week....

Enjoying the fresh air
Brotherly LoveTummy time! He loves being on his tummy.
Fresh and clean!
Out on the boat
Out on the boat hanging with Papa.

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