Tuesday, August 5, 2008

3 weeks!!!!

Wow! 3 weeks has flown by since Austin's birth! I can't believe he's only a week away from being a whole month old. It really seems like I just gave birth last week. Minus the fact that my body finally feels normal. He's grown so much. His clothes are already starting to finally fit him and he's filling out. He loves to eat! Thankfully that is going great. We are loving how he likes to snuggle all the time because we know it doesn't last long. One thing we are still working on is his sleeping at night. He has given us about 3 good nights out of all so far where we actually got like 2 or 3 full hour stretches! Needless to say we're exhausted. Hayden is still doing great! Today he got out his stuffed animals and would bring them to Austin one by one showing them to him. Then he decided that he wanted to share his blankie with him as well. It was so cute. I feel so blessed to have 2 wonderful, healthy little boys. We are loving every second of them both!

All pooped out after eating!
Papa and his 2 boys

Close up

Hayden's favorite thing to do is give Austin kisses throughout the day. He also is starting to finally give us a "cheese" for a picture!

He's such a big boy!! All stretched out on his changing table.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.