Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy 5 months Baby Boy!!

I really cannot believe it has been 5 months already since I gave birth to this precious little boy! Time is going by too fast! He has totally stolen my heart. Austin is so sweet and is getting so big. He is now rolling over from his back to his tummy and yesterday rolled from his tummy to his back. We are enjoying all his smiles and giggles, especially the giggles he gets from his big brother Hayden making him laugh. I swear Hayden can just walk by him and Austin lights up with excitement. Hayden loves to cuddle him and give him kisses all the time. It's so funny because we always say "awhh" when he kisses him and if we don't, Hayden makes sure to look at us and say it. He always wants to make sure we see him being sweet to Austin. Austin is sleeping pretty well, taking 2 long naps a day (for the most part) and sleeping from about 8-9pm until 6-7am. Every now and again he throws us for a loop and gets up to feed in the middle of the night but it's very rare. He still really enjoys being held all the time but has taken to the jumperoo so that gives us a nice break if we need to get something done. He now has that jumping motion so when you hold him that's all he does is bounce. We have started to give him some 1st foods mixed with rice cereal at lunchtime and he is enjoying that. So far he has tried pears, apples, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Still hasn't totally mastered keeping it in his mouth but he's getting better and chews and swallows most of it. He seems to be happier during the day getting that extra bit of food. Anyways, we are loving every moment with the boys and can't wait for Christmas to get here!

1 comment:

cjvandenbos said...

5 months already?!? wow time goes way too fast. maybe its time for another one?! :) maybe the boys want a little sis :)