Friday, September 19, 2008

The Portland Children's Museum

On Wednesday Ryan, the boys, Nana, and myself took a trip up to Portland to the Children's Museum. I have been wanting to take Hayden for a while and was so excited to see what it was all about. It was truly one of the greatest children's places I have visited and I can't wait to go back. Ryan and I had just as much fun as Hayden did I think. There are so many cool rooms there that are filled with learning. Some of Hayden's favorite places were the water works room (couldn't get him out of it), the dig pit, and the construction zone. We spent the majority of the time in the water works room however; he loves to play in water! It was really fun to watch Hayden explore in the different parts of the museum. Here are some pics from our fun.... (notice Ryan playing as well) :)

Hayden in the 2 and under play room
Waterworks room

Brushing alligators teeth
Ryan having fun in the tree house

Construction Zone
The dig pit. All recycled rubber.
Daddy and Hayden playing in the dig pit

1 comment:

peteandjenn said...

I can't believe how big he's getting! He's a little boy now!