Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Hayden!!!

Wow! 3 years ago today right now (9am) I was getting ready to head to the hospital because my water had broke! I cannot believe that my baby Hayden (well not a baby anymore) is 3 years old today!! Ryan and I have never felt so much love since having Hayden and Austin. Hayden is getting so big! Most people think he is a 4 yr. old because of how tall he is. So to celebrate Hayden's birthday we had a party this last Sunday with some close friends and family and had the greatest time. It was really exciting because the last 2 years Hayden had no interest in opening his presents and this year he was trying to open before his guests even arrived! He was very excited about them all. One of his gifts from Ryan, Austin, and I was a power wheels quad. He LOVED it!!! It was so funny to watch his reaction. By the end of the night he was maneuvering it perfectly. We also did a pinata at his party. He was fascinated by it! Every swing either he or his friends took he would turn to everyone and say "wow." We all cracked up at him! The party was a success and I know Hayden appreciated it all. So thank you to all who came and celebrated! Here are a few pics from the party:

Playing in his bounce house with Josh
His "wow" reaction to hitting the pinata!
I'm pretty sure this was a "I'm cool" move
Riding his quad for the first time

1 comment:

cjvandenbos said...

I didn't know Hayden and Ruby shared the same! Wow 3 already that is crazy. Time goes way to fast when you have little ones.

Happy Birthday Hayden